
Sunday, July 3, 2011

Wowzers! I Won an Award!

Thanks to Flossy, of the wonderful Flossy Bobbin, I have been given a blog award!

I've seen these around, but honestly never thought I'd receive one! I'm immensely flattered that Flossy considers me one of her favourite "crazy creative people" ;)

Flossy also deserves a lot of thanks for being incredibly patient with me, since I was awarded this ages ago, and have been meaning to pass it on ever since! If you visit the post where she gave out the award, you'll see a pic of her yin-and-yang doggies, Minnie (the white one) and Montie (the black one), but be sure to visit this post to see the super-cute Minnie get her model on with Flossy's adorable crocheted flower collar :) Flossy also has an Etsy store, which sells her adorkable geek-chic blackwork robot pattern among other neat things!

There are three requirements to fufill to accept the award:

1. Thank the Person Who Awarded You

Thanks very much Flossy! I love reading your blog and seeing what neat creative thing you're doing, stitching and other-craft wise :)

2. List Seven Things About Yourself

Since the focus of ES is stitching, I thought I would share some stitchy things:

1. I have never worked with linen and am trying not to do so...
Because I'm honestly afraid that I'll become a 'linen snob', and I have too many kits and designs using Aida that I want to stitch! Plus, linen is not widely available here :)

2. I had never photographed the back of my work until Floral Teacup...
As I was afraid that the backs of my works were too messy! This used to bother me a lot when I was younger, not because of any criticism, but because I thought I could do better. I've learned that 'better', for me, means leaving longer tails, and darning in more securely, as I want the works to last and not unravel. Even though it means more 'mess'. And I'm going to take pictures from now on!

3. I haven't shown any of my jewellery yet because...
I really need to learn to take better photos, a la Dancing in the Rain! For all the years that I've been making beaded jewellery, I have seldom ever bothered to photograph my work, and I'm going to try to remedy that sometime in the near future!

4. I have never worked with silks...
But am intrigued by watching other stitchers use it, and would like to try it sometime.

5. I greatly admire the works of video-game stitchers...
Like Flossy (@ Flossy Bobbin), Karyn (@ A Riot Patch of Pixels), Cibo (@ CiboStitch) and Evening Emma (@ EveningEmma), even though I am regrettably not hip to most modern video games. I had a deep and abiding love for the Super Mario Bros. when I was younger that I never grew out of (especially SMB3!), and I love the look of any retro pixellated game. But I have no experience with what's hot now, and cannot play first-person shooters at all. Not even when the targets are really bad guys. So, in short, I love video games, but can't kill anything beyond the occassional goomba (i.e. frowny mushroom from SMB). 

 6. I greatly admire stitchers who work historical stitcheries...
But I will never be one of them. While I believe the attention to tradition that is involved in working accurate reproductions of antique samplers and stitching in the 'primitive' style is commendable, I love working with new materials and bright colours far too much to adopt that manner of work with any consistency.

7. I have always wanted a pair of fancy needlework scissors...
But stork scissors freak me out! It's the whole beak-as-blades thing I think. Plus, I had a nightmare once where I had a real stork with a scissors-blade beak chasing me(!). I'm not so bad with the peacock scissors, since there's only a suggestion of feathers on the handles and no beak in sight, but I'm holding out for a pretty filigree floral pattern, without any sign of birds at all!

3. Pass the Award to 15 Other Stylish Bloggers

Wow! There's so many stitchy blogs that I get inspired by reading. Flossy's already given the award to Jeanne at Byrd's Nest, Karyn at A Riot Patch of Pixels, and Ziggyeor of Ziggyeor's Loopyness so they are not on list due to that :)

Also, Ági's wonderful blog, The World According to Ági, is not on the list, as she is one of the people who gave Flossy the award. 

And since I don't think I can give the award back to the person who awarded it, Flossy is not on this list, although she certainly deserves it ;)

I'll be sending out e-mails/leaving comments to let you know. If, for some reason, you haven't gotten a message in your e-mail or a comment on your most recent post (for those who do not have their e-mail address available), please e-mail me (address in sidebar, under "About") to let me know.

I've ordered the list alphabetically for ease of reading! Although it was hard to limit the list to just 15, these are some of my very favourite stitchy bloggers. I am a follower of all of these blogs, and they are all listed in my sidebar :)

1.   A Bit of This and That (Shannon)
2.   Cibo Stitch (Cibo)
3.   Crazy Cross-Stitcher (CrazyStitcher)
4.   Dancing in the Rain (Rainy Day Stitcher)
5.   Epic Stitching (Mel)
Although Mel has recently taken a blog sabbatical for medical reasons, there is still plenty of interesting posts to read in her archives, and I'm hoping that she will accept the award when she is able to return to her stitching.
6.    Erica's Stitches (Erica)
7.    Evening Emma (Evening Emma)
8.    Karen's Colourful Creations (Karen)
9.    Meari's Musings (Meari)
10.  Moonsilk Stitches (Moonsilk Stitches) 
11.  Mtrl Girl's Material World (Christine)
12.  Stitch Days (Rita)
13.  StitchinKat's Pawprints Blog (StitchinKat)
14.  Stitching Stuff (Amanda aka Z)
15.  Therapy By Thread (Blu)

Best wishes for Happy Stitching to you all!


  1. Congrats on the award! You are most definitely a stylish blogger! :) Thanks for sharing a few things about yourself! I have to admit, stork scissors are a little creepy, but I can't say I've ever had nightmares over them lol. Thanks for nominating me! :)

  2. Thanks very much Karen! You are very kind. Re: the nightmares - be thankful. Be very thankful. Because I guarentee that once you've had a scissor-blade-beaked stork chasing after you, you will never be at ease with the stork scissors lurking in your stitchy stash afterwards. LOL

    As for the nomination, you more than deserve it! You do such beautiful and incredible work, and I love following your stitchy adventures as you try out new things. You are a most stylish blogger yourself ;)

  3. Congratulations Aurelia. You so deserve the award!

    Reading your list of seven stitchy things was very interesting, and also amusing (such as stork scissors freaking you out).

    Finally, thank you for nominating me for the award too. I feel so incredibly flattered. x

  4. great stuff! I've picked up a lot of new blogs to follow from your nominations :D

  5. @ CrazyStitcher - Aw, thanks so much! So do you :) And I'm very glad that you found the scissors amusing. That's what I was going for (instead of, say, mildly insane) ;)

    @ Flossy - Thank you very much, for your lovely comment and for sending me the award in the first place :) I always think that it's a good day when you find new stitchy blogs you like!

  6. Congrats on being recognized! And thanks for passing the award on to me.

  7. Thanks very much Meari! You're very welcome; I love your blog and your tutorials are awesome and very helpful :)

  8. Congratulations on getting the award, you definitely deserve it! :)

    And thanks so much for the award too, and your kind words. By the way, I'm still very eager to see your jewellery at some point... no pressure of course, lol ;)

  9. Thanks you muchly Rainy Day! You're very welcome; your blog is wonderful, and you do awesome work! Re: the jewellery: no pressure at all, LOL. I'm working on it ;)


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