
Sunday, October 9, 2011

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!

Best Wishes For A Wonderful Weekend!

Sorry for the lack of posting recently, but I'm taking the long weekend off to spend some quality time with my needle and floss :) Yes, indeedly, my Stitchy Mojo has meandered back home, and has one foot through the front door. I'm hoping that the proffering of new projects and shiny threads will entice it all the way back inside, to settle down and settle in for the coming Winter (brr! is it ever cold outside today) and quit its Stitchy roaming ways. Hey, a girl can dream, right? *wink*

I just want to send out a HUGE Thank You! to everyone who has entered my Christmas Giveaway, and to those of you who have posted about the Giveaway on your own blogs! The surprisingly large number of entries I've received is mostly due to your generosity in helping me to spread the word, and I can't thank you enough. And I'd like to add a big heart-felt Welcome! to all my new Followers too :)

The Thanksgiving holiday, to me, is a time to reflect back on the events of the past year, and to appreciate the gifts, both large and small, that we've been given, in the everyday ordinary course of our lives. I have many wonderful blessings to be thankful for this year, and the great stitchy friendships I've been lucky enough to develop with certain special people, and all the wonderful stitchers and stitchy bloggers I'm continuing to meet, are certainly up at the top of my list ;) Thank you all for your support of Eglantine Stitchery, and - wherever you are - may the coming new year bring many good things to you and yours!


  1. Happy Belated Canadian Thanksgiving!

    I trust your weekend went to plan, and that you succeeded in spending time with your needle and floss. It really is fantastic news that your Stitchy Mojo has returned. :-D x

  2. Happy Thanksgiving! :) I'm glad that your Stitchy Mojo has returned this weekend, and hopefully all the stitchy goodies on offer will persuade it to hang up its hat and stay ;)

  3. belated happy thanksgiving! it's always good to remember all that we are thankful for - we realize how lucky we actually are!
    heymj11 at yahoo dot com

  4. Thanks so much for your holiday wishes :)

    CS, you were actually totally spot-on, because Monday is the actual holiday here, and most people make a long weekend out of it! Our family celebrates on Sunday, as do many others ;)

    RS, aw, thank you kindly :) I hoping to entice my Stitchy Mojo to stay around as well. I don't think I've managed to convince it to hang up its hat yet, but I have high hopes ;)

    Tracey, thank you, and I agree completely :) Every day should be Thanksgiving, really!


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